About Geotechnical Drilling Rigs

Geotechnical drilling is the site investigation procedure developed to discover the physical properties of a construction site. It can be referred to as “geotechnical boring”. This process consists of evaluating the soil, rock, groundwater, and overall conditions within a specified depth and location. This critical process safety confirms if the construction can proceed as planned, it also helps spot any issues before they start. Geotechnical drilling rigs are required for a varied range of site investigations which often includes window sampling, dynamic probing, SPT, hollow stem auguring, coring, and more. Geotechnical drilling rigs are versatile pieces of equipment and are often found working in a number of different environments from building basements to railway embankments, even areas that have restricted space to overwater drilling.

It is the job of geotechnical engineers to determine if the ground is suitable for the projected construction development. Through geotechnical drilling, engineers can test organic materials around the site, informing contractors of incompatible foundation soils which could be loose coarse-grained soils, peats, or soft fine-grained soils. Also, when carrying out this, a geological review will map out rock formations, groundwater levels, and different types of soil around the project site. These findings indicate the foundation requirements of the upcoming project, which can include the kind of equipment and manpower that may be necessary.

One of the main benefits of geotechnical drilling is that it aids you in looking for gas, oil, and mineral deposits. These are important deposits and the discovery of them on a piece of land can help when making the decisions of how the land can be best developed to gain the highest profit. It also is utilized by scientific researchers to allow them to investigate the constitution of ice sheets or geological structures. Analysis of these specific structures is beneficial for both commercial and scientific exploration. To carry out such work you require licensed and experienced drilling contractors who have the skills and background required to deal with all of your drilling requirements.

Geotechnical drilling is most vital for particularly heavy structures such as oil rigs or buildings which can have a heavy load index for the soil. It will depend upon the expected load of the completed structure in which drilling equipment may be required, it could be manual, mobile, or the larger specialist drilling rigs that are required for offshore oil rigs.

Your workforce being certified and having the skills required will mean any use of drilling rigs and other drilling equipment will be operated safely and the project will be completed without any complications arising. This permits the site to be prepared for caissons, pilings, foundations, and other structures.

Here at Omnia Machinery, we have a range of used geotechnical drill rigs to suit your requirements from brands such as HutteComacchioKlemmCasagrande and much more. Should you not find the right specification of machine for your project, please do not hesitate to contact us, our experienced sourcing specialists can find the right machine for you. Or if you have a requirement for any other drill rig that may or may not be on our website please do get in touch and we will do our best to locate this for you.